Holly Hendrix

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Birthday: April 20, 1997
Birthplace: Lafayette, US
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Green
Weight: 88 lbs (or 40 kg)
Height: 4’9″ (or 144 cm)

Holly Hendrix

Year of birth – 1997, the city of Lafayette (Indiana, USA). Grew up in Savannah (GA). After school, went to College for two years and in adolescence participated in various photo shoots. And at the age of seventeen moved to Florida, did some work as a model and posed Nude for men’s magazines. And when Holly Hendrix was eighteen years old, without much thought, she went to porn, it was in may of 2015. By the way, 18 lei she was in April. And immediately caved in and became a star. Powerful depravity is exactly her cutie Hendrix constantly and shows.